Chevron Down
Table of Contents
Chevron DownOcular Gatsby
Chevron DownOcular Classic
    Chevron DownBasics
    Chevron DownBuild your own Components
    Chevron DownRoutes and Links
    Chevron DownStyling


Ocular is a tool primarily designed for building documentation websites for github-based javascript frameworks, built using the gatsbyjs documentation generation system.

Using ocular in your framework requires:

  • a directory with github markdown
  • examples...

Quick Setup

If you already have markdown documentation written for your framework, setting up an initial ocular based page is very quick:

  • Create a website folder in your framework repository's root folder.
  • Create a package.json and install ocular in the website folder.
  • Create the file website/gatsby-config.js, copied from ...
  • Create the file website/gatsby-node.js, copied from ...
  • Create the file website/site-config.js, copied from and modified to fit your site.
  • Create a table-of-contents.json at the root of your markdown documentation folder.

Deep Configuration

Since your website contains the gatsbyjs entry point files (gatsby-config.js and gatsby-node.js) it is possible to take full control and override selected parts of ocular's documenation generation system.

The ocular package exports most internal components used by ocular so that you can reuse them in building customized functionality.


getGatsbyConfig(options : Object) : Object

This function takes your site configuration object and builds a complete gatsby configuration object, and populates it with a number of preinstalled plugins. This object is intended to be passed to gatsby as the exported value from your website/gatsby-config.js file.

getGatsbyConfig is intended to be called in your website/gatsby-config.js file as follows:

require('reify'); // Enables ES6 "import" in imported files

const {setSiteConfig, getGatsbyConfig} = require('ocular');

const config = require('./ocular-config');


module.exports = getGatsbyConfig(config);

NOTE: You can forward the returned object directly to gatsby, or you can modify it first, e.g. to delete or add plugins before passing it on to gatsby. Consult gatsby docs for more information on gatsby-config.js options.

getGatsbyNodeCallbacks() : Object

Forward these callbacks to gatsby in your website/gatsby-node.js file to set up default ocular configuration.

require('reify'); // Enables ES6 "import" in imported files
const {getGatsbyNodeCallbacks} = require('ocular');

module.exports = getGatsbyNodeCallbacks();

NOTE: It is possible to override the ocular-provided callbacks and thus take full control of any aspect of gatsby's document generation process. Consult gatsby docs for more information on gatsby-node.js callbacks.

require('reify'); // Enables ES6 "import" in imported files
const {getGatsbyNodeCallbacks} = require('ocular');

module.exports = getGatsbyNodeCallbacks();
module.exports.onCreateNode = ({ node, actions, getNode }) => {
  // Do other things
  /// Call ocular default handling (or not)
  getGatsbyNodeCallbacks.onCreateNode({ node, actions, getNode });


ocular provides a number of common React components that can be used to create custom pages.


Layout components are components that remain static between pages

Table of Contents

Common Components


Search engine optimization helper