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Web Mercator Utility Functions



Project a coordinate on sphere onto the 512x512 Web Mercator plane.


  • lngLat (Array, required) - Specifies a point on the sphere to project. [lng,lat] in degrees.


  • [x, y]

worldToLngLat(xy, scale)

Unproject a coordinate from the 512x512 Web Mercator plane back to the sphere.


  • xy (Array, required) - Specifies a point on the Web Mercator tile to unproject. [x, y] in pixels.


  • [lng, lat]

worldToPixels(xyz, projectionMatrix)

Project a coordinate from the Web Mercator coordinate system to screen.


  • xyz (Array, required) - Specifies a point in the Web Mercator tile. z is the elevation and optional.
  • projectionMatrix (Matrix4, required) - The projection matrix.


  • [x, y, z] - coordinates on screen, z is the pixel depth.

pixelsToWorld(xyz, unprojectionMatrix, targetZ)

Project a coordinate from screen to the Web Mercator coordinate system.


  • xyz (Array, required) - Specifies a point on screen. z is the pixel depth and optional.
  • unprojectionMatrix (Matrix4, required) - The unprojection matrix.
  • targetZ (Number, optional) - If pixel depth is not specified, targetZ is used as the elevation plane to unproject onto. Default 0.


  • [x, y, z] - coordinates on the Web Mercator tile, z is the elevation.


Returns the zoom level that gives a 1 meter pixel at a certain latitude.


  • viewport (Object) - viewport props
  • viewport.latitude (Number, required)


Calculate linear scales for quick conversion between meters/degrees/pixels distances around the given lat/lon.

In mercator projection mode, the distance scales vary significantly with latitude. The scale is only reasonably accurate locally.


  • viewport (Object) - viewport props
  • viewport.longitude (Number, required)
  • viewport.latitude (Number, required)
  • viewport.highPrecision (bool, optional) - default false


  • distanceScales (Object)
  • distanceScales.unitsPerMeter (Array) - world units per meter in [x, y, z].
  • distanceScales.metersPerUnit (Array) - meters per world unit in [x, y, z]
  • distanceScales.unitsPerDegree (Array) - world units per degree in [x, y, z]
  • distanceScales.degreesPerUnit (Array) - degree per world unit in [x, y, z]
  • distanceScales.unitsPerMeter2 (Array) - if highPrecision is true, returns world units per meter adjustment in [x2, y2, z2]. It offers a cheap way to compensate for the precision loss with latitude. Amends unitsPerMeter by y offset (in meters): [x + x2 * dy, y + y2 * dy, z + z2 * dy].
  • distanceScales.unitsPerDegree2 (Array) - if highPrecision is true, returns world units per degree adjustment in [x2, y2, z2]. It offers a cheap way to compensate for the precision loss with latitude. Amends unitsPerDegree by y offset (in degrees): [x + x2 * dy, y + y2 * dy, z + z2 * dy].

addMetersToLngLat(lngLatZ, xyz)

Offset a spherical position by meters.


  • lngLatZ (Array) - origin in [lng, lat, alt]. Altitude is optional.
  • xyz (Array) - offset from the origin [x, y, z] in meters. x is easting and y is northing. z is optional.


  • [lng, lat] if the third component in neither argument is specified, or
  • [lng, lat, alt] otherwise.


Get a transform matrix that projects from the mercator (pixel) space into the camera (view) space. Centers the map at the given coordinates.


  • viewport (Object) - viewport props
  • viewport.height (Number, required)
  • viewport.pitch (Number, required)
  • viewport.bearing (Number, required)
  • viewport.scale (Number, required)
  • viewport.altitude (Number, required)
  • (Array, optional) - pre-calculated world position of map center using getWorldPosition. Default [0, 0].


  • viewMatrix (Array) 4x4 matrix.


Get a transform matrix that projects from camera (view) space to clipspace.


  • viewport (Object) - viewport props
  • viewport.width (Number, required)
  • viewport.height (Number, required)
  • viewport.pitch (Number, required)
  • viewport.scale (Number, optional) - required if center is specified
  • (Number[], optional) - offset of the target, vec3 in world space
  • viewport.offset (Number[], optional) - offset of the focal point, vec2 in screen space
  • viewport.fovy (Number, optional) - field of view in degrees
  • viewport.altitude (Number, optional) - if provided, field of view is calculated using altitudeToFovy()
  • viewport.nearZMultiplier (Number, optional) - near plane multiplier. Default 1.
  • viewport.farZMultiplier (Number, optional) - far plane multiplier. Default 1


To match Mapbox's z-buffer, use these parameters:

  • Before 0.29:

    • nearZMultiplier: 0.1
    • farZMultiplier: 1
  • Starting 0.29:

    • nearZMultiplier: 1 / viewport.height
    • farZMultiplier: 1.01
  • fovy: altitudeToFovy(1.5)

getProjectionParameters({width, height, altitude, fovy, pitch, farZMultiplier}})


  • width (Number, required)
  • height (Number, required)
  • viewport.pitch (Number, optional) - default 0.
  • viewport.scale (Number, optional) - required if center is specified
  • (Number[], optional) - offset of the target, vec3 in world space
  • viewport.offset (Number[], optional) - offset of the focal point, vec2 in screen space
  • viewport.fovy (Number, optional) - field of view in degrees
  • altitude (Number, optional) - if provided, field of view is calculated using altitudeToFovy()
  • farZMultiplier (Number, optional) - near plane multiplier. Default 1.
  • farZMultiplier (Number, optional) - far plane multiplier. Default 1.


  • Object with {fov, aspect, focalDistance, near, far} fields. Note that returned fov is in radians


Convert an altitude to field of view such that the focal distance is equal to the altitude.


  • altitude (Number, required) - altitude of camera in screen units


  • fovy field of view in degrees


Convert a field of view to an altitude equal to the focal distance


  • fovy (Number, required) field of view in degrees


  • altitude altitude of camera in screen units


Returns map settings (longitude, latitude and zoom) that will contain the provided corners within the provided dimensions. Only supports non-perspective mode.


  • opts (Object) - options
  • opts.width (Number, required)
  • opts.height (Number, required)
  • opts.bounds (Array, required) - opposite corners specified as [[lon, lat], [lon, lat]]
  • opts.minExtent (Number, optional) - If supplied, the bounds used to calculate the new map settings will be expanded if the delta width or height of the supplied bounds is smaller than this value.
  • opts.maxZoom=24 (Number, optional) - The returned zoom value will be capped to this value. Avoids returning infinite zoom when the supplied bounds have zero width or height deltas.
  • opts.padding=0 (Number, optional) - the amount of padding in pixels to add to the given bounds.
  • opts.offset=[0,0] (Array, optional) - the center of the given bounds relative to the map's center, [x, y] measured in pixels.


  • {longitude, latitude, zoom}


  • minExtent - Note that this value represents delta latitude/longitudes and value of 0.01 would roughly represent 1km.


This will adjust the map center and zoom so that the projected map fits into the target viewport size without white gaps.


  • viewport (Object)
  • viewport.width (Number, required)
  • viewport.height (Number, required)
  • viewport.longitude (Number, required)
  • viewport.latitude (Number, required)
  • viewport.zoom (Number, required)
  • viewport.pitch (Number, optional)


  • viewport - normalized {width, height, longitude, latitude, zoom, pitch, bearing}

flyToViewport(startProps, endProps, t, opts)

While flying from one viewport to another, returns in-transition viewport props at a given time. This util function implements the algorithm described in “Smooth and efficient zooming and panning.” by Jarke J. van Wijk and Wim A.A. Nuij.


  • startProps (Object) - viewport to fly from
  • startProps.width (Number, required)
  • startProps.height (Number, required)
  • startProps.longitude (Number, required)
  • startProps.latitude (Number, required)
  • startProps.zoom (Number, required)
  • endProps (Object) - viewport to fly from
  • endProps.longitude (Number, required)
  • endProps.latitude (Number, required)
  • endProps.zoom (Number, required)
  • t (Number) - a time factor between 0 and 1. 0 indicates the start of the transition, 1 indicates the end of the transition.
  • opts (Object, optional)
  • opts.curve (Number, optional, default: 1.414) - The zooming "curve" that will occur along the flight path, .


  • {longitude, latitude, zoom}

getFlyToDuration(startProps, endProps, opts)

Returns time in milliseconds, that is required perform transition from one viewport to another. Time returned is proportional to the distance we are transitioning to. This util function implements mapbox-gl-js ( duration calculation.


  • startProps (Object) - viewport to fly from
  • startProps.width (Number, required)
  • startProps.height (Number, required)
  • startProps.longitude (Number, required)
  • startProps.latitude (Number, required)
  • startProps.zoom (Number, required)
  • endProps (Object) - viewport to fly from
  • endProps.longitude (Number, required)
  • endProps.latitude (Number, required)
  • endProps.zoom (Number, required)
  • opts (Object, optional) - optional parameters that effect duration calculation.
  • opts.curve (Number, optional, default: 1.414) - The zooming "curve" that will occur along the flight path.
  • opts.speed (Number, optional, default: 1.2) - The average speed of the animation defined in relation to options.curve, it linearly affects the duration, higher speed returns smaller durations and vice versa.
  • opts.screenSpeed (Number, optional) - The average speed of the animation measured in screenfuls per second. Similar to opts.speed it linearly affects the duration, when specified opts.speed is ignored.
  • opts.maxDuration (Number, optional) - Maximum duration in milliseconds, if calculated duration exceeds this value, 0 is returned.


  • duration Number, in milliseconds.