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A widget that displays the state of a Stats object to screen.


Create a StatsWidget HTML element to display tracked Stats. Each Stat can be associated with a formatter that indicates how it should be displayed.

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {Stats} from '';
import StatsWidget from '';

class App extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
this._stats = new Stats({
id: 'My Stats'

this._statsWidget = new StatsWidget(this._stats, {
container: this._containerRef

this.setState({intervalId: setInterval(this._update, 300)});

componentWillUnmount() {
// use intervalId from the state to clear the interval

_update() {
// create a stat with name and type
const counter = this._stats.get('Counter', 'count');

render() {
return (<div ref={_ => this._containerRef = _}/>);



new StatsWidget(stats, options)

  • stats (Stats) - a Stats instance.
  • options: (Object)
    • title (String) - header text for the widget. Defaults to the id of the Stats object.
    • framesPerUpdate (Number) - number of times update must be called before the widget is re-rendered. Allows the application to call update each frame with re-renders occurring at a slower rate.
    • container (DOMElement) - DOM element to use as container for the widget. Will be created internally if not provided.
    • css (Object) - css properties to apply to the container div of the widget. Two special keys can be used to modify the style of nested elements:
      • header (Object) - css properties to apply to the header div of the widget.
      • item (Object) - css properties to apply to the individual item divs for each stat displayed in the widget.
    • formatters (Object) - text formatters to use to display a stat. Keys are the stat's name. Value can either be a function that takes a single stat object as argument, or one of the following strings:
      • count: Display as a simple count.
      • averageTime: Display average time.
      • totalTime: Display total time.
      • fps: Display Hz as a frame rate.
      • memory: Display count as a memory measurement. resetOnUpdate (Object) - whether the a stat should be reset each time the widget is re-rendered. Keyed by the stat's name.


Set Stats object rendered by the widget.



Set the formatter associated with a given stat.

statsWidget.setFormatter(name, formatter)

  • name (String, required) - the name of the stat to associate with a formatter.
  • formatter (Function, required) - function that takes a Stat object and returns a string.



Rerender the widget.