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Vector4 is designed to hold three dimensional coordinates in projective space. Using the projective representation allows JavaScript applications to perform the same calculations that the GPU does.

A main feature of vectors is that they can be transformed by matrices and quaternions. And Vector4s are particular general when transformed with 4x4 matrices (Matrix4 or just arrays of 16 numbers), as those can include translations, projections and other transformations that cannot be expressed by e.g. 3x3 matrices or quaternions alone.

Note that the fourth element w is not a coordinate but a scaling factor. The fourth component (w) is usually set to either

  • 0 to represent a vector
  • 1 to represent a point

Vector4 methods will keep the vector scaled so that w (if non-zero) is 1.

The math behind Vector4 comes from projective geometry, which significantly generalizes calculations and removes a number of special cases compared to affine geometry. It is not necessary to understand the details to use Vector4, but see the developer guide for some additional xbackground.


import {Vector4} from '';
const vector = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 0);
const point = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1);


Vector4 extends Vector extends MathArray extends Array


x, y, z, w

Gets or sets element 0, 1, 2 or 3 respectively


Many of the most commonly used Vector2 methods are inherited from MathArray:

  • Vector4.clone()
  • Vector4.copy(array)
  • Vector4.set(...args)
  • Vector4.fromArray(array, offset = 0)
  • Vector4.toString()
  • Vector4.toArray(array = [], offset = 0)
  • Vector4.equals(array)
  • Vector4.exactEquals(array)
  • Vector4.validate(array = this)
  • Vector4.check(array = this)
  • Vector4.normalize()

Note that Vector2 is a subclass of the built in JavaScript Array and can thus e.g. be supplied as a parameter to any function expecting an Array.

constructor(x?: number, y?: number, z?: number, w?: number)

new Vector4(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, w = 0)

Creates a new, empty Vector4

set(x?: number, y?: number, z?: number, w?: number): thos

Updates a Vector4

distance(vector: number[4]): number

Returns the distance to the specifed Vector.

distanceSquared(vector: number[4]): number

Returns the squared distance to the specifed Vector. Fast to calculate than distance and often sufficient for e.g. sorting etc.

dot(vector: number[4]): number

Calculates the dot product with the supplied vector.

add(vector: number[4]): Vector4


subtract(vector: number[4]): Vector4


multiply(vector: number[4]): Vector4


divide(vector: number[4]): Vector4


scale(vector: number[4]): Vector4


negate(): this

Negates each element in the vector.

inverse(): this

Inverses (x = 1/x) each element in the vector.

normalize(): this

Normalizes the vector. Same direction but len() will now return 1.

lerp(vector: number[4], coefficient: number): this

Linearly interpolates between the vectors current value and the supplied vector.

transform(matrix4: number[16]): Vector4

Equivalent to transformByMatrix4.

transformByMatrix4(matrix4: number[16]): Vector4

Transforms a vector by the provided 4x4 matrix.

Note: Scales the resulting vector to ensure that w, if non-zero, is set to 1.

transformByMatrix3(matrix3: number[9]): Vector4

Transforms the vector's x, y and z values by the provided 3x3 matrix.

transformByMatrix2(matrix2: number[4]): Vector4

Transform the vector's x and y values by the provided 2x2 matrix.

transformByQuaternion(quaternion: number[4]): Vector4

Transform the vector by the provided quaternion.