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A higher level helper class that inherits the BrowserDriver. Primarily intended for automating browser tests from Node.js shell scripts.

A BrowserTestDriver starts a Chromium browser instance and a server and opens a page with a URL that loads a script from the server. The script that runs in the browser is expected to report test results back using predefined global functions.

To use this class, puppeteer and pixelmatch must be installed as dev dependencies.


In your node.js start script:

// This is the script that runs in Node.js and starts the browser
const {BrowserTestDriver} = require('');
new BrowserTestDriver().run({
server: {
command: 'webpack-dev-server',
arguments: ['--env.browser-test']
headless: true

In your script that is run on the browser:

// Polyfill so that the bundle can execute in browsers not controlled by puppeteer
// Run test cases
// App is done running, terminate the browser instance
window.browserTestDriver_finish('All tests passed');


const browserTestDriver = new BrowserTestDriver(opts);


  • opts (Object)
    • id (String) - an id for this BrowserTestDriver instance. Default browser-driver.


run(config : Object)

Runs the tests:

  • Starts a Chromium browser instance.
  • Starts a dev server, e.g. a webpack-dev-server that bundles a test script.
  • Opens a browser page to run the test script.
  • Extracts test reports from the browser back into node
  • Closes browser, server and terminates the current node script.
  • Passes an exit status (e.g. pass/fail) back to the invoking shell.


  • title (String) - name of the test, e.g. 'Unit tests'. Default 'Browser Test'.
  • headless (Boolean) - whether to run the test in headless mode. If true, all console outputs from the test app will be piped to the shell. If false, the browser window will remain open for debugging.
  • server (Object|Function|false)
    • If an object is supplied: used as options to create a dev server. Passed to BroserDriver.startServer.
    • If a function is supplied: will be called to create a dev server. Should return a Promise that resolves to the service URL.
    • If false: no dev server.
  • browser (Object) - options to user for creating the Puppeteer instance. Passed to BroserDriver.startBrowser.
  • exposeFunctions (Object) - keys are function names to be added to the page's window object, and the values are callback functions to execute in Node.js. See exposeFunction for details.
  • url (String) - if supplied, will be used instead of the URL returned by the dev server.
  • maxConsoleMessageLength (Number) - used in headless: true mode to crop log messages that are piped to the console. Default 500.

Built-in Exposed Globals

The BrowserTestDriver instance exposes a series of global functions to the browser application. The following functions can be called from the browser application to communicate with the nodejs script:



Notify the node script that some test has failed.

browserTestDriver_finish(message : String)

window.browserTestDriver_finish('Congratulations! All tests passed.');

Notify the node script that the app has finished executing and the browser should be closed.


if (window.browserTestDriver_isHeadless) {
console.log('Test is running in headless mode');

Truthy if the current test environment is headless.

browserTestDriver_captureAndDiffScreen(options : Object)

goldenImage: './golden-images/map.png',
region: {x: 0, y: 0, width: 800, height: 600},
threshold: 0.99
}).then(result => {
// do something

Request a pixel diff between the current page and a reference "golden image." This can be used to verify that the page is visually rendered as expected.

  • goldenImage (String) - path to the golden image, relative to the directory where the shell command is executed
  • region (Object, optional) - a bounding box to take a screenshot of. In shape of {x, y, width, height} relative to the page. If not specified, will take a screenshot of the whole page.
  • threshold (Number, optional) - the matching score for the test to pass. Between 0 (no pixels matched) to 1 (all pixels matched). Default 0.99.
  • tolerance (Number, optional) - the tolerance when comparing two pixels. Between 0 (strict color match) to 1 (anything will pass). Default 0.1.
  • includeAA (Boolean, optional) - If true, all pixels are compared. Otherwise detect and ignore anti-aliased pixels. Default false.
  • includeEmpty (Boolean, optional) - If true, the matching score is calculated as a percentage of all pixels. If false, empty pixels (alpha 0) will be excluded, potentially make the score lower. Default true.
  • createDiffImage (Boolean, optional) - if true, will generate binary image data that highlight the mismatched pixels. Default false.
  • saveOnFail (Boolean, optional) - if true, any screenshots that failed to meet the target matching rate will be saved to disk for further investigation. Default false.
  • saveAs (String, optional) - the filename to save the screenshot as. If the string contains [name], it will be replaced by the golden image path. Default [name]-failed.png.

Returns: a Promise that resolves to an object with the following fields:

  • success (Boolean) - whether the test passed. A test can fail either because the matching score is lower than the specified threshold, or an unexpected error occurred.
  • headless (Boolean) - whether the browser was running in headless mode.
  • match (Number) - the matching score. Between 0 (no pixels matched) to 1 (all pixels matched).
  • matchPercentage (String) - match formatted in percentage form.
  • diffImage (Uint8Array) - image data that highlight the mismatched pixels. Only if createDiffImage: true.
  • error (String) - error message if any.

browserTestDriver_emulateInput(event: Object)

type: 'keypress',
key: 's',
ctrlKey: true
}).then(result => {
// ctrl + S is pressed! do something

Dispatch an emulated user input to the page. The following event types are supported:


Press a key on the keyboard.

  • type: 'keypress'
  • key (String) - see
  • delay (Number) - the time between keydown and keyup. Default 0.
  • shiftKey (Boolean) - whether to press the key with the shift key down. Default false.
  • ctrlKey (Boolean) - whether to press the key with the control key down. Default false.
  • metaKey (Boolean) - whether to press the key with the meta key down. Default false.


Click the mouse at a given screen coordinate.

  • type: 'click'
  • x (Number) - the screen x of the click.
  • y (Number) - the screen y of the click.
  • button (String) - 'left', 'right' or 'middle'.
  • delay (Number) - the time between mousedown and mouseup. Default 0.
  • shiftKey (Boolean) - whether to click with the shift key down. Default false.
  • ctrlKey (Boolean) - whether to click with the control key down. Default false.
  • metaKey (Boolean) - whether to click with the meta key down. Default false.


Move the mouse to a given screen coordinate.

  • type: 'mousemove'
  • x (Number) - the screen x to move the pointer to.
  • y (Number) - the screen y to move the pointer to.
  • steps (Number) - how many intermediate mousemove events to generate, default 1.


Drag the mouse from a given screen coordinate to another.

  • type: 'drag'
  • startX (Number) - the screen x to drag from.
  • startY (Number) - the screen y to drag from.
  • endX (Number) - the screen x to drag to.
  • endY (Number) - the screen y to drag to.
  • button (String) - 'left', 'right' or 'middle'.
  • steps (Number) - how many intermediate mousemove events to generate, default 1.
  • shiftKey (Boolean) - whether to drag with the shift key down. Default false.
  • ctrlKey (Boolean) - whether to drag with the control key down. Default false.
  • metaKey (Boolean) - whether to drag with the meta key down. Default false.